Ebony Club Alumni

Connecting our past with their future

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Check it out

The Ebony Club and HAP both have a presence on Facebook.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Back to the Future!

Hey EC Alumni & Current Members,

The EC has definitely changed since we started it back in '74! But the reason for its creation still exists today! I would love to revitalize the energy and direction that has lasted for the past 35 years. What was that? Well, those that were there know that the EC was started to help young, intelligent black men from the "hoods" get into the Prep. Their only problem was financial! I know, I know we had to put on paper that it was open to all, but "we" know where the energy was directed. Let be real! I would love to be part of bringing that energy, direction and excitement back to the EC. I don't live in JC anymore but my family is there and I visit often. Just hit me back on my email @ r_mcintyre2@hotmail.com or call @ 803.429.8579 anytime and I will respond! For those that live in JC or are closer to the Prep than me just let me know when you have a function and I will try my best to be there! I have a new dream for the Ebony Club . . . that it spreads throughout the rest of the private schools in Jersey City and then the public schools as a Club of Excellence! Imagine seeing someone with the Ebony Club shirt on (in burgundy and gold) with another line on the back saying Snyder High Division, Jersey City or Lincoln or Ferris or Marist High! Yep, that may mean including the women! Watch out! Remember, we ARE our brothers' keepers! So, as we Sigmas say on to "Bigger and Better Business"!

Tony and Eric, did you guys get my email through Facebook detailing my new idea? I sent it awhile ago.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Time to reconect

I realize some brothers will read this and say, "where have you been?" As I have spoken to a few brothers upon my return to Jersey City (after 28 years away), it has become something of a mission to see "the brothers" one more time. With that, I have been attempting to gather contact info (address, phone, e-mail address, Myspace/Facebook/Blackplanet screenname, you get the picture). I know this is rather ambitious, but I would love to get together and have a tailgate thing at a Prep football game this fall.

Calling all brothers! Dig out your phonebooks, Blackberries, PDA's, etc. I know there are faces that you would like to catch up with after so many years. In the meantime, I will be attempting to work through the alumni association to reach out to as many of you as possible. However, as I was one that wasn't on their radar until recently, I know the limitations. The Alpha's have an expression: Leaning on the Shield. Well, I am leaning on the EC Crest. I need a role call. Brothers check in!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ebony Club Alumi reconnect

It's been a minute since I've posted on the site. For one thing, life has been happening. The good news is that we should be seeing contributions to this site real soon from other alumni.

I joined Facebook last summer. My page sat static for a couple of months. In September, I connected with a couple of classmates from 1975 who reached out to me after finding me on the site.

Since then, I have reconnected with many Ebony Club alumni. Several of us are interested in getting together for a reunion. We need your help with collecting contact information and spreading the word. Jeff Anthony and Eric Threatt are heading up this effort. Send your contact information, questions, or comments to ebonyclubalumni@gmail.com.

Monday, April 14, 2008

40 Years After

I still can't believe it has been 40 years! 40 years since one of the greatest flames every to light this earth was extinguished. I am in the process of reading the book "April 4, 1968" by Michael Eric Dyson. I am embarrassed to say it is the first book I have picked up that deals with the man, the myth, the legend. Although only half way through I am painfully reminded about how far we have come, yet how still so far we have to go. The book makes me question if we are still moving towards the Promised Land or have we stopped our journey because so many of us think we are there now.
One of the fundamental questions in the book is how would Dr. King view our progress after 40 years. Sadly I think he would give us a "D"at best. Many of the social and political ills he was fighting in the '60s are still prevalent in the 00's they are just dressed differently.
The other painful reality of the book is that Dr. King was able to function despite being under the CONSTANT threat of death. The man couldn't get up in the morning without thinking it might have been his last. How many of us could handle that type of pressure!
As I said I am only half way through but I would already recommend it to all if you don't mind Brother Dyson's verbosity every now and then.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Alumni Commentators

Several brothers publish blogs on the World Wide Web.

Ron Allen '75 writes occasionally for NBC's The Daily Nightly

Byron Harrison '77 has inaugurated a new, issues-oriented blog called Estrela Brilhante (Shining Star)

Anthony Powell '75 posts at T-Notes, a blog discussing issues relating to the integration of technology in education.

Spend time checking out these blogs.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Let's talk about issues

The use of photos and memorabilia has served as an entrée to this site. Seeing old friends and reminiscing good times is fun.

But this site is evolving.

Let’s talk about issues that matter to us. Politics, religion, education, sports, or Prep-related issues are just some of the subjects we can examine in conversations on these pages.

One member has called for comments on Barack Obama's campaign and the matter of race. Is gender an issue for Hillary Clinton? Are John McCain's recent gaffes involving his apparent confusion between Shiites and Sunnis intentional or a reflection of a candidate out of touch with important world issues?

Join the Blog
If you wish to contribute to the Ebony Club Alumni blog please email Tony with your email address.
* You will receive an invitation to join from the blog.
* You will receive an email with an embedded link. Click this link and you will be asked to either log in with your Google account or asked to create an account.
* Once you are a member you will be directed to your blogger dashboard.
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